Norma Ontiveros-Gaspar Bio, KGET, Age, Height, Family, Spouse, Children, Salary, and Net Worth

Who is Norma Ontiveros-Gaspar?

Norma Ontiveros-Gaspar is an American journalist working as the Executive producer, anchor, and reporter at KGET-TV in Bakersfield, CA. She started working for the station in 2004 as Telemundo Bakersfield’s producer. After that, she received a promotion to executive producer and in 2009 to anchor/executive producer/reporter. Norma still holds these positions in addition to her role as Assistant News Director.

Photo of Norma Gaspar
Photo of Norma Gaspar

Norma Ontiveros-Gaspar Date of Birth / Age

Ontiveros was born and raised in the United States of America although her exact age is not known as she has managed to keep her date of birth away from the public. However, we will update the information once available.

Norma Ontiveros-Gaspar Height/Weight

Ontiveros is 5 feet and 7 inches tall on average with a healthy weight.

Norma Ontiveros-Gaspar Parents and Siblings

Ontiveros was born and raised in the United States of America. She manages to keep information regarding her parents, siblings, and extended members of her family away from the limelight. We will however update this information once it’s available to the public.

Norma Ontiveros-Gaspar Spouse/ Husband

Ontiveros has been happily married to her husband Jose Gaspar, who was a KGET-TV 17 news anchor, since June 2006. They are blessed with two adult sons and two adult daughters. Additionally, they have four granddaughters and two grandsons.

Norma Ontiveros-Gaspar Kids / Children

Ontiveros and her husband Jose Gaspar are blessed with two adult sons and two adult daughters. Their daughter Isabelle turned 31 on 14 August 2019, according to a post Norma shared on her Facebook page that day.

Norma Ontiveros-Gaspar Education

Ontiveros attended The University of Texas at El Paso where she obtained a degree in Communications and Public Relations.

Norma Ontiveros-Gaspar Career

Ontiveros is an American journalist working as the Executive producer, anchor, and reporter at KGET-TV in Bakersfield, CA. She began working at the station as the producer for Telemundo Bakersfield. She was subsequently promoted to executive producer and in 2009  to Anchor/Executive Producer/Reporter. Norma continues to retain these roles in addition to the title of Assistant News Director.

Throughout her time at KGET-TV, Norma has implemented plans and adjustments to account for the expansion of the local Telemundo newscast. The newscast started out as a 30-minute program in October 2004 and has since expanded to two hours of content every day. Norma feels that working at Telemundo is a responsibility to the community, not just a job.

Most recently, she introduced “Abriendo Puertas” as a new segment to the newscast. The segment provides information about services and programs offered by nearby private and nonprofit organizations, highlights consumer awareness, and invites community members to voice their concerns. In addition, this program has raised awareness and provided information about civic, academic, sports, parenting, youth, and mental health issues. Zumba and singing are two of her favorite hobbies.

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How Much Does Norma Ontiveros-Gaspar Earn/Salary?

Ontiveros earns an annual salary that ranges from $100,000-$500,000.

How Much is Norma Ontiveros-Gaspar Worth/Networth?

As an anchor, Norma has been able to accumulate a net worth that ranges from $1 million to $5 million.

Norma Ontiveros-Gaspar X Handle

Norma is active on X, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media accounts.